
Monday, August 30, 2010

Adabisi Shank

Adebisi Shank

Adebisi Shank

Adebisi Shank

I don't mean to bombard those of you who have stumbled across this blog with photographs but I'm incredibly tempted to post some pictures that I took at this Summer's music festivals. These snaps in particular are of a band called Adebisi Shank. They were taken using a Fujifilm Finepix S5500. It's not my favourite camera but it's finally been passed down to me now that my mother has began using a more modern Cannon.
It was the first time that I was allowed to bring the camera to a dirty festival and I made the most of it.

Adebisi Shank themselves are quickly making a name for themselves in Ireland and the UK. They recently played at Castlepalooza festival in July. Despite the small crowd the atmosphere was great. The weather was fine, people were head banging and the music was awesome.

Not so long after their Castlepalooza appearance I caught the trio in Whelans, Dublin. The place was packed, it was almost impossible to squeeze through the crowd, the cramped venue wasn't about to stop people dancing and downing pints. To add to the wreckless feel of the gig, there were various crowd surfers being passed around the audience, the air must have been about 60% sweat. The music vibrated around the small venue sending people flying into a sort of dancing fit. It was really brilliant seeing three talented lads making some new, interesting sounds. There are a lot of really great Irish musicians at the moment, but Adebisi Shank aren't like anyone else. That probably explains why the bands audience is so quickly expanding.

To end off their Whelans gig they allowed the audience to get up on to the stage and dance with them, all while their bassist was surfing the crowd. I'm pretty sure that some of the audience members tried to walk away with him in their hands. Of course my friends joined in and hopped up onto the cramped stage with about 30 other people. I really wish that my camera was handy for that moment!

To find out more about the band, or new Irish bands like them go to http://www.richtercollective.com/

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