
Friday, September 10, 2010

I know that it's been ages since I've posted anything but here's a quick update of everything that's been going on in Stephland:

Firstly, I got my place in Marino studying Journalism with Photography. I've been looking at universities abroad like Edinburgh, Toronto and London. (I really couldn't take another year in Ireland) I know that even if I did somehow get a place on some of the courses I want I probably couldn't afford to go anyway. A girl can always dream.

Other than that I've packed my stuff and hopefully I'll be moving to Dublin soon to live with my awesome friends. This college year is looking very promising. It's possible that I will be spending every Thursday night in Fibbers and countless mornings drinking tea and watching re-runs of Come Dine With Me.
This year is also going to be kind of tough. I've done 2 PLC courses already and got ok grades but if I want to get a really fantastic course for 2011 I really have to work my ass off an exceed my usual standards. I guess being 19 and living in a city with people I've known for years will make it a little harder to buckle down. It's going to be tough finding a decent balance and not getting sucked in to cheap Dub-step nights and college parties.

Since I last blogged I've been to Electric Picnic and survived another dirty festival. I wanted write a quick review of the festival. Not so much a formal review but more what I thought of it in general. It's been four days since I arrived home after the Picnic. I guess I couldn't really write about it or anything for that matter, until my brain had recovered. Everything is almost back to normal bar my voice that I abandoned in the deserted campsite along with my burst air bed.
The weekend kicked off to a great start, the sun was shining and everyone chilled on the grass in the campsite while tapping along with the distant beats of the arena.

When it came to moving around the festival was pretty well laid out, it wasn't half the trek that Oxegen was and it wasn't as comfortable as say Castlepalooza.
I drove up with my friend Jimmy, we got there on Thursday night before the campsite was open to the general public. Our friends who had been working there since that Monday had picked some pretty niffty camping spots. Very near to the arena and far enough from the revolting eco toilets.

One of the most annoying missions of any festival is bringing alcohol into the arena. The security were very thorough. At least with bag checks. Although, most of us crotched some cans and us ladies stuck sticky plastic bottles filled with mixer and cheap spirits in our bra's, armpits and tights. Inside I heard the bars were relatively expensive. Unfortunately I can't be more specific as I refuse to spend my munch money on over priced watered down beer.
Many of my friends were caught with hidden cans. Some in the back of their jeans and even one with a can sitting under his top-hat.

Other than that everything ran smoothly. None of the acts I went to see were late and very few disappointed with sound quality or set lists.
My top acts of the weekend were easily Japanese Popstars, Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip, Foals and Friendly Fires.
Sunday night was pretty crappy with buckets of rain drenching everyone. I missed massive attack and spent ages waiting out the rain in the This Is Pop Baby tent. The tent that had some pretty funny transvestites singing witty songs about having loved and lost.

Some of the most excellent features of the festival were definitely the Bingo, which was highly addictive, the Body and Soul arena for it's great chilling spots, and the random cramped but cosy cafe where lesser known bands like Attention Bebe played. The band banished the hangovers of a good 50 people with their upbeat 90's covers.

Overall it's been a pretty decent week or so and everything seems to being going pretty smoothly for me. Next on the agenda is finding a fucking job. Anyway, apologies for the badly written essay, it's 00:31 and I am nackered! Time for some sleep. :)

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